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Holiday Musings


With both the Holiday season in full effect and the end of the year approaching, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients as well as anyone else who has given us the opportunity to inform and assist them on workers' compensation issues. An injury on the job can cause a lot of stress and uncertainty – not just for the one who is hurt, but for his or her family as well. Over the year, we have gotten to know many good people who have shown their best qualities in trying times. To anyone who reads this, we hope you take time to recognize the family and friends who love and support you. Ultimately, this is what matters most.

We at Haight Stang, LLC have been truly blessed this year with the growth of our practice. We consider it an honor to help injured workers and their families – either by just answering a few questions over the phone or by arguing their case before the State Supreme Court if that's what it takes to make things right. We are also blessed personally with loving families and friends who have, in no small way, helped to make this all possible. We hope that you and yours have a wonderful Holiday season and a safe 2013!
